Unique Table Number Ideas for a Wedding

I have been recently asked about unique ideas for table numbers. Some of my clients like the traditional numbers, or a different take but yet still using the number system for their guests. But there are those who want to make their event different, add a different touch to their special day. Have their personality come out through to their guests. So here are a few ideas I thought I would share with all of you…So here is the standard table numbers which are used at restaurants or some corporate events and I have even seen them at special events as well.wed28While there is nothing wrong with these, they are just a bit… utilitarian. (But if your venue has nicer framed table numbers, then score!) TIP: The easiest thing to do is to use the venue’s existing holder, stand or frame, and then insert your own number that matches your color scheme.wed29One popular trend these days is to name your tables after locations, such as places you’ve been to as a couple, famous local landmarks, or perhaps even your favorite books or movies. But here’s another TIP: Also assign that table a number. That will make it SO much easier and faster for guests to find their table, and just as importantly, for your caterer and their wait staff to find their way around.Here are other ways to still simply number your tables the old fashion way, but adding a unique twist to the display:wed30Here is more elegant yet understated table numbering… this is part of the centerpiece displaywed31Here is a rustic, country vintage lookwed32The use of books if you are a reader or newspapers is unique way to seat your guests.wed33wed34If you love cartoons or have a favorite movie or even love videos games here is another way to seat your guests and even be used as a conversation piece for your guests at their tablewed35A few other ways to bring your guests to their table is lyrics to a few songs ,  genre or specific music, artists, a favorite movie, carnival lovers and even amusement parks. I have seen computer language used, or the use of software… The ideas are limitless and the twists and turns can make you come up with the most unique ideas that your guests will be talking about …. It just takes thinking outside of the box… so here is to stretching your imagination… Christina CC’s Celebrations & More

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